However, before embarking on such a programme, be honest with yourself and decide if you have been giving the squat (and other leg work) the attention it deserves. By this I mean doing them every workout-not every other one-and putting as much effort as you can in the process and not, like so many trainers, doing a 'just hold on a minute Ron, while I finish off with a few squats' routine. If you are satisfied on this score then give the blitz programme a try. Remember that to do it properly will require that you devote your full energies and this may involve you spending the full (or most of it) evening on leg work. If you normally work out three times per week, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday you may like to do a short upper body routine on Tuesday and Thursday, though this will depend on time available, energy, etc. What can you do if you feel you need to keep in touch with upper body work is do the leg course, rest for half an hour and then do three-quarters of an hour upper body routine. Whatever you decide, obviously you must devote the bulk of your energies to the leg work. The routine I will describe is quite a strenuous one so make sure you are an experienced enough bodybuilder to benefit from such a routine. Here then, with comment, are the exercises.

Regular Squat: Do three sets of six repetitions on this one and make sure your style ensures that you get the maximum in leg work. Don't do an exaggerated version of the good morning exercise. Start with a reasonable poundage, allowing yourself room for increase on the two succeeding


Squat bar in front position: On this one hold the bar in whatever manner feels the most comfortable to you. Do three sets of ten with your heels blocked up and again use a poundage that will allow for increase. However, on this type of squat do not 'push' just as hard for a weight increase, better if you use a good exercise poundage. 3 x 10 reps.

Leg-press: This is a great one for 'pumping up' the thighs and after you have done three sets of fifteen reps, you should really feel the blood in the legs.

Hack squats: Another leg 'burner', but make sure your legs do the work and don't end up doing a behind the back dead lift. If you have a belt or hook so much the better, or if you are more fortunate still and possess a hack 'machine' use it to full advantage. Do 3 x 12 reps.

Leg bicep curls: Again, if you have a leg-bicep machine you will find it very convenient, though I favour the old boot curls. Which ever you use make sure the bicep gets plenty of work-3 x 15 reps. If you don't have apparatus of this kind do resistance ones.

Scissor movement: Lie on the bench with your knees in the air and your feet tucked in (a towel will help in this respect) and get a training partner to apply the resistance. Be careful not to use too much pressure until you get used to them-3 x 20 reps.

The calf work really does not need any explanation except to say that at least three movements; Donkey Stretch, Bar across Knee and calf machine will be necessary to get the job done-four if you like. Do four sets of around twenty repetitions and massage thoroughly after the workout.



Two views of Ivan Dunbar's and Bill White's new Health Studio in the centre of Belfast. The girls enjoy the training as much as the lads